Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm from Jacksonville, Florida...

I spent 21 years of my life in Jacksonville. So how did I end up in Las Vegas, Nevada?

I met my husband in Jacksonville. We married quickly and soon after, I found out I was pregnant. We didn't have a place to live so we bounced from house to house. Finally, two days before my son, Craig was born (April 17, 2012), we had a house of our own. Shortly thereafter, my husband turned to drugs and was headed down a terrible path at a rapid pace. I kicked him out to make him realize he needed to stop. Meanwhile, I was at my home, no job, no income, no vehicle, and no help from my family. The only help I had, came from my two best friends, Victoria and Samantha. Victoria was pregnant at the time and worked a full time job. Samantha was going to school and had a job. Everything finally became too much for me to handle on my own. I had no help with groceries or getting my son formula. My mother and my grandmother, who live in Las Vegas, came up with the money to move me here. My three month old son and I moved to Vegas, while my husband stayed behind. Soon after we left, he went to jail, and will remain in jail until at least 2016. October of the same year, I found out I was 4 months pregnant with my second son. It's been a hard road so far, but very worth it. 
Las Vegas is a hard city to live in, especially coming from the South. Not many people are friendly here and finding a job is harder than making friends. I spend all of my time with my boys and since they aren't even a year apart, I have very little time for myself. 
I wanted to create this blog because it is a very hard job being a mom, but the most rewarding. And I dedicate all of my time to my kids and people still look down on me for only being 22. 
I saw this beautiful quote on my Facebook news feed: 

My life definitely didn't end, it's just beginning. I get to watch my boys grow more every day and I am blessed and thank God every day for having the ability. Being a young mother is tough but it's also the best feeling, especially when your child looks at you and gives you the biggest, most beautiful grin just because he's happy to see you.

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